About Jana Garden Designs

We Provide Living Art—custom moss art, living wall design, & plant consultation. Vertical gardens with  plants naturally living on walls!

Moss Wall Art

Utilizing botanical materials & decor to bring natural elements into residential & commercial spaces, events & business logos. Custom moss art walls brings lush garden foliage to all types of spaces. Garden elements & foliage combined with fine art, connects the natural outer world into interior & commercial spaces.


Living Wall Designs

Plant selection, & design consultation for living walls. Vertical gardens promote a healthy living atmosphere while making the most of space. Bringing beauty of the lush outdoors into all sorts of environments in custom arrangements on all types of walls.

    Our Store

Phone: (714) 488-4041
Email: [email protected]

    Store Hours

Monday-Saturday 11am–7pm ET
Sunday 11am–6pm ET

About Jana

Jana Kang has an extensive background in fine arts, a love for gardening and a strong passion for sustainable living. Jana’s moss art and living wall design philosophy has developed over the years since she started working with Vertical Garden Solutions in 2018. Since then, she’s has been able cultivate her moss art expertise while extending her moss art and design services to other vertical garden companies throughout the southwest region. She works with each client’s personal aesthetic and applies their vision to vertical gardens with the use of various botanical materials and plants. Methodical in producing different forms of artistic applications, along with having a keen sense of design principles, she develops innovative concepts taking the client’s desires into account by communicating with them step by step through the vertical garden design process. Having a deep understanding on how our atmosphere has a profound effect on our psyche and mental state, she strongly believes in creating healthier environments that bring tranquility to a space by using the full potential of plants and their natural beauty.

Jana graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York with a Bachelor’s Degree Fine Arts where she worked in a vast array of mediums with a strong focus on creating immersive atmospheres through installation art utilizing sustainable or repurposed materials. She has also worked under the direct mentorship of several reputable fine artists including Edwin Mieczkowski, one of the pioneers of Op Art movement, where she gained a deeper sense of color theory, optical design perception through the use of geometric shapes and patterns, and fine tuning meticulous applications of mediums and materials. Jana has worked in the fashion industry, electronic arts, photography, graphic design, and several organic farms. By combining her experience in these diverse fields, with the intention of enhancing spaces that promote healthier atmospheres, she has been able to apply her skills to create unique and dynamic custom moss art pieces and design living walls with utmost quality and craftsmanship.

Improve Quality of Life with Biophilic Design & Living Walls

Biophilic Design brings your favorite elements of nature into all sorts of residential and commercial spaces. By using this concept of bringing nature into our everyday atmospheres, vertical gardens provide a healthy & beautiful living environment for all types of spaces. These living walls are completely customizable to any size & shape, can grow plants suitable for all types of growing conditions, and bring numerous benefits to any spacd. They have a self contained irrigation system, provide temperature & sound insulation, & are easy to maintain.

Having plants in an atmosphere has substantial benefits & can increase quality of life in numerous ways. Plants provide not only cleaner air, but can reduce anxiety & helping with the bodies response to stress & healing. Studies have also shown having plants in work environments can increase productivity by up to 20% & elevate the mood of employees. Having more lush greenery in public areas as well has shown a reduction in crime in urban areas as well.

Vertical gardens can provide the maximum amount of the benefits plants have to offer while taking up minimal amounts of space. Living walls bring in the best aspects of nature onto interior walls & exterior building facades. Plants that are suitable for outdoor growing environments can increase better air quality especially for urban dense environments(where space is limited & there are higher carbon emissions.)